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Haziran 2023

  • Didem Eker
  • Posted by Didem Eker

With the support of the Kosovo Olympic Committee and the Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, the Doping Control Officer Workshop was organized by the Kosovo Anti-Doping Organization (KOSADA) with the contributions of the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission and the Slovenian Anti-Doping Organization (SLOADO) between 25 to 27 May 2023.

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  • Didem Eker
  • Posted by Didem Eker

Kosova Olimpiyat Komitesi ve Kosova Kültür, Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığının destekleriyle Türkiye Dopingle Mücadele Komisyonu ve Slovenya Dopingle Mücadele Kuruluşu (SLOADO) katkılarıyla Kosova Dopingle Mücadele Kuruluşu (KOSADA) tarafından 25-27 Mayıs 2023 tarihlerinde Doping Kontrol Görevlisi Eğitimi düzenlendi.

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